Anubias Heterophylla is a medium-large size Anubias variety origin in Central Africa. Anubias heterophylla is similar to its famous cousin Anubias Nana but the leaf is broad and pointy and can grow quite tall when it reaches to the adult stage. Like all Anubias species, it can be attached to driftwood, stone, rock, or any of the aquarium decorations. Anubias species are very easy to care for and thrive in almost any water environment.
- Sold as young, miniature size Anubias Heterophylla
- Sustainable growth Anubias species
- Fresh and clean, grow direct from our high technology lab farm
- Young plants grow in a controlled laboratory environment
Disclaimer: Pictures are not the actual plants you will receive, but a sample representation. Unless specific, we don’t guarantee aquatic plants will be free of pests, and pesticides, grow emerged or submerge.
Scientific Name: Anubias Heterophylla Cripus
Common Name: Anubias Heterophylla
CO2: Not Required
Growth Rates: Slow
Difficulty Level: Beginner
Nutrient Substrate: Not Required
Lighting Requirements: Low – High
True Aquatic: Yes
Can be grown as an emergent plant in a closed terrarium with a high humidity level: Yes